How to Share Audio/Samples with Your Choir

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Photo by Thirdman on

If you’re techie, this may be a solution you can utilize to get audio samples easily to your whole choir:

I saw one church utilize this and liked the idea.

1.) If you have access to your church’s website, create a page called “choir.”
2.) List the upcoming weeks’ choir songs by date.
3.) Provide a link (either to YouTube or to the actual product page sample)

This idea came from

Alternative ideas:

I’ve seen a choir director utilize Google calendar to notify of upcoming songs.

“Old-school”: distribute audio recordings during choir (make sure not to violate copyright law)

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Photo by Thirdman on

Is This You?

“I can do the “church” thing –

I need to do the “Christ” thing.”

(i.e. – love, witness, etc.)

Have you gotten yourself into a rut?

Are you just in the routine of serving God?

Its Sunday, yes, we are able to go to church. Yes, we’re excited, but perhaps we are just doing it out of routine or habit?

Have we lost our first love and our passion for God and the service we do for Him?

Have a look at the above quote again: “I can do the “church” thing – I need to do the “Christ” thing.”

(This can be particularly true of second generation Christians or if saved for a length of time.)

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men.”

Col. 3:23

Song to Reflect on Blessings of Being a Christian: O It Is Wonderful to Be a Christian

Shortly after waking up this morning, this song started going through my head:

“O it is wonderful to be a Christian;
O it is wonderful to be God’s child…”

John W. Peterson

It is such a great song!

What truth is contained in this song!!

Verse two opens with the words –

“I can go directly to the Lord in prayer.
He has told me I may boldly enter there…”

Wow! What doctrine is contained in those mere two lines!!

What an incredible song!

Where to find:

Many hymnals will have this song. Some examples: Majesty Hymnal #518 Rejoice Hymnal #463

Dulcimer Music – Christian Hymns for Dulcimer

The dulcimer is an amazing instrument. It is somewhat like a cross between a violin and guitar. (referring to the mountain dulcimer here)

One has the ability to play melody with added harmony and can also play chords.

There are many individuals who use the dulcimer – whether for personal enjoyment or as part of a church service (offertory, special, etc.).

The following is a sample of music played on a mountain dulcimer.

Looking for Christian hymns for the dulcimer? Check out these sites that include hymns: (Has a great selection; sharp tab layout design)

Specific hymn tablature

Amazing Grace (DAA tuning)
Come, Thou Fount
Come, Thou Fount (fuller harmony)


50 of My Favorite Hymns link (currently sold-out) link (available)