Music Stands: What to Use

Solid music stand best music stands orchestra music stands Christian band Christian orchestra

The following are some of the best stands that I know and have experience using.

If you have additional favorites that work for you, please leave a comment below.

Manhasset music stand

Manhasset Model #48 Sheet Music Stand
best sheet music stand best music stand stable stand study music stand
Image from

Easily adjustable
Solid construction (able to hold heavy books)
Will last a lifetime and still look nice.

This is the stand that I recommend (and purchase) over and over again.

It is my go-to stand: for travel (local), for our orchestra, as a music gift, etc.

Where to find:

Amazon website

Folding Solid Music Stand

Image from

I have to chuckle when I think of this one. It was purchased to fill a need; I didn’t want to spend a fortune and had no idea what it was going to be like

The reviews were good, so I took the plunge!

It turned out wonderful, and here I am recommending it to you!

Solid, stable construction
Able to hold heavy books (hymnal)
Has metal page holder “arms” (handy if in a windy situation [A/C blowing, etc.]
(Currently $25.80 on Amazon).

Where to find:


Runner Up:

Hamilton Music Stand

Very similar to Manhasset. The version I used I believe felt heavier than Manhasset. It didn’t feel as easily adjustable compared to the Manhasset.
(Currently $39.99 at Amazon).

Image from:

Where to find:

Amazon website

Incredible Song: Sweet Will of God

A member in our church recently presented a song for a special. This song is incredible in its heart-felt lyrics. Since the point it was mentioned, the lyrics have continued to dwell in my mind, reminding me and encouraging my heart to draw even closer to my amazing God.

Thank you, church member, for bringing this song to our attention!

Here are the lyrics in the chorus:

“Sweet will of God, still fold me closer,

Till I am wholly lost in Thee;

Sweet will of God, still fold me closer,

Till I am wholly lost in Thee.”

-C.H. Morris

Where to find

Living Hymns # 453 (First edition)

Online – piano score & audio; full vocal score

Comparison of Rejoice Hymns with Majesty Hymns, part 2 D-F

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The following is part two in the series comparing Majesty Hymns with Rejoice Hymns

The chart below outlines songs that are only found in each respective hymnal.  Please see the link at the end for other posts in this series.

Rejoice Hymns Majesty Hymns
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind Daniel
Emmanuel Enlarge My Vision, Lord
For the Sake of His Name Follow, I Will Follow
Fountain of Grace
From My Heart

Other parts in this series:

Part 1: A-C

Bible Verses Put to Music: Blessed Is the Man

I love this song and the truth contained therein (and likewise the passage from whence it comes).  It’s great!

This would work great for youth group, children’s choir, adult choir, and congregational.

Blessed is the man that walketh not

in the counsel of the ungodly,

nor standeth in the way of sinners,

nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

But his delight is in the law of the LORD;

and in His law doth he meditate day and night.

(Psalm 1:1-2)

Where to find:

Majesty Hymns #124

(fyi – not in Rejoice Hymns)

He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions – song similar to Isaiah 53 theme

Today at the nursing home, one of our church members sang a special of the song “He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions.”  Wow!!!  If you have never heard the song or looked at the words, you have missed something!  Our hymnal incorporates the first, second, and fourth verses in its score, which are the verses I recommend.

The devotional today was Isaiah 53, and this song incorporates many of the themes of that passage.  Have a look at some of the words written by Thomas Chisholm:

“He was wounded for our trangressions,
He bore our sins in His body on the tree;
For our guilt He gave us peace,
From our bondage gave release,
And with His stripes, and with His stripes,
And with His stripes our souls are healed.”

“He was numbered among transgressors,
We did esteem Him forsaken by His God;
As our sacrifice He died,
That the law be satisfied,
And all our sin, and all our sin,
And all our sin was laid on Him.”

Amazing words, right?

Where to find:

Many hymnals contain this song.

Living Hymns #165
Great Hymns of the Faith #117

If wish to hear an audio of song, here is a link for educational purposes.

FYI – The author also wrote other familiar songs such as “O To Be Like Thee” and “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”