Our Great God in Troubling Times

Our God is great!

As believers, there is such a contrast between world events/ emotions and the peace and hope found in God.

We know we can trust our powerful God. He is in control.

The same God Who brought the Israelites to the Promised Land is the same God Who controls our life and world circumstances.

“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” is such an apropos piece at such as time as this.

Church orchestra:

Majestic organ:

(Incredible – he played entirely from memory)

Other video links: BJU & congregation link
Orchestral rendition link

Piano solo

Piano/organ with lyrics

Where to find:

Most hymnals contain this hymn.

Amazed by A.H. Ackley (“I Am Amazed that God Would Ever Love Me”)

“I am amazed . . . “

God blessed in an amazing way recently in seeing an individual commit their life to God.

Upon reflecting on the step this individual took, several songs came to mind.

One of them was the song “I Am Amazed” by A. H. Ackley.

The first lines go like this:

“I am amazed that God would ever love me

So full of sin, so covered o’er with shame –

Make me to walk, with Him Who is above me,

Cleansed by the power of His redeeming name.”

-A.H. Ackley

The following is an excellent piano rendition of the song:

Where to find:

Best of Favorites Songbook Vol. 1 (Song #71) Amazon AbeBooks Ebay (Ebay currently has the best price)

fyi – One Spanish translation is as follows:

Maravillado Estoy

Maravillado estoy que Dios me amara,
Tan pecador, cubierto de maldad;
Que me hiciera andar en su presencia,
Purificado por su santidad.

Maravillado estoy que Dios me amara,
Solo Jesus mi culpa borrara;
Por fe en Jesus obtengo vida eterna,
Por siempre morare con El en Sion.

Saved By Grace: A Wonderful Offertory, Duet, and Congregational Song

“Someday the silver cord will break . . .”

For those familiar with this song, the above quote has just started a melodious tune in your head, complete with deeply meaningful lyrics.

For those less familiar, this hymn reflects on the temporary nature of our earthly presence and anticipates with joy the arrival to our heavenly home. It is truly a special song!

This has been a classic song/offertory for numerous years and is loved by many.

The following provides an idea of the piano arrangement:

(Another excellent recording of this arrangement – video link)

Example of congregational singing: Video Link

Excellent piano recording: Video Link and a cappella version Video Link

Where to Find:

Arrangement – “Saved By Grace” in Cindy Berry’s arrangement book


Congregational hymn – Living Hymns (1st ed.) #691 (also excellently arranged for duet)

Great Hymns of the Faith #512

Bonus: While researching for this post, I ran across the following choral work: “We Are Saved by Grace.” I love the doctrine taught through this piece. Video Preview

Patriotic Songs – A Listing

The following provides a listing of some of the available patriotic songs. If no source is provided, most standard hymnals should contain the song.

My Country ‘Tis of Thee (America)

Great song! This is also one that is greatly loved at senior homes/ nursing homes. I appreciate the words.

God of Our Fathers

Also called our national hymn. A triumphant song.

Battle Hymn of the Republic

America the Beautiful (O Beautiful for Spacious Skies)

The Star-Spangled Banner

In God We Trust

Amazing, God-exulting song. See link for more info. Biblically sound song.

God Bless America

Historical info. To obtain music score, one needs to purchase sheet music (online, etc.).

The Red, White, and Blue (Proudly it waves, Old Glory . . .)

Written by John W. Peterson. Can be found in cantata I Love America. (I’ve seen it other places also.)

. .

Verily, Verily – Choir Special; Great for Special Meetings, Evangelistic Meetings, etc. Congregational Hymn

I would say as Christians, the following is one of our favorite Bible passages:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”

John 5:24


“Verily, verily, I say unto you, ‘He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.'”

John 6:47

This is an excellent, energetic arrangement of this hymn. I am so appreciative of the message of this song, which the tune wonderfully conveys as well. This arrangement also features the song “Ye Must Be Born Again.”

Verily, Verily

Image from https://wilds.org/store/product/verily-verily/

Please visit this site to hear an excellent audio of this choir arrangement.

Where to find:

Choir arrangement – Link
Hymn – Living Hymns (1st edition) #385 (F Major key)