Patriotic Songs – A Listing

The following provides a listing of some of the available patriotic songs. If no source is provided, most standard hymnals should contain the song.

My Country ‘Tis of Thee (America)

Great song! This is also one that is greatly loved at senior homes/ nursing homes. I appreciate the words.

God of Our Fathers

Also called our national hymn. A triumphant song.

Battle Hymn of the Republic

America the Beautiful (O Beautiful for Spacious Skies)

The Star-Spangled Banner

In God We Trust

Amazing, God-exulting song. See link for more info. Biblically sound song.

God Bless America

Historical info. To obtain music score, one needs to purchase sheet music (online, etc.).

The Red, White, and Blue (Proudly it waves, Old Glory . . .)

Written by John W. Peterson. Can be found in cantata I Love America. (I’ve seen it other places also.)

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